Classic jazz grooves, nostalgic surf films, Jony Ive's next chapter, The human side of ambition and David Lynch explaining meditation (with a Sharpie).

This week's recon from the past, present and future...


Round midnight


Hard bop jazz grooves from 1986 featuring an all star lineup, a controversial best score Oscar win, plus a case for it being the most underrated Jazz record.



Taylor Steele's catalogue


The VHS tapes scattered across half the neighbourhood your crew 'owned' collectively, now in one place (and free).


Jonny Ive


A look at Jony Ive's ongoing pursuit of simplicity, beauty and ambition in the details. Spoiler: he has not just working on a font for years (though, I still wish that was actually true).


Imagining Arc by The Browser Company


A voice-note style listen that shows the human side of an ambitious startup’s journey. With values like ‘Show up with heartfelt intensity’ and ‘Assume you don’t know’, an honest YouTube channel, they side step the dystopia in tech and focus on how it all makes us feel—and what they’re doing about it.



David lynch explains transcendental meditation


David Lynch, with a pad of paper and a Sharpie, breaks down the science of Transcendental Meditation—and somehow makes his movies make more sense in the process. From quantum physics to the creative mind, Lynch covers a lot of ground here in a way that's easier to digest than you’d expect.

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